Ages 2.5 – 6

Our validated Montessori Casa program is designed to inspire a lifelong passion for exploration and knowledge.

From focused minds to flourishing concepts, our program weaves literacy, math magic, and a world of culture into a tapestry of boundless learning.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Our Virtual Casa Program

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Enrolment Eligibility: Ages 2.5 to 6.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Fully Validated & Expert-Led: Our certified Montessori teachers and RECE’s create enriching lesson plans tailored to your child.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Engaging Virtual Classroom: Secure and dynamic live classes held over Zoom offer an exceptional alternative to in-school classes from the comfort of your own home.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Replicating The Montessori Experience: Structured daily schedules maintain routine and mirror in-school activities and ensure educational consistency.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Healthy Meal Ideas: Our program offers age-appropriate meal plans that follow Canada’s Food Guide.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Enriching Specialty Programs: Enjoy Yoga, Martial Arts, French, Dance, and Music, as part of our inclusive program.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Efficient Parent Communication: Stay connected through our custom-built education management portal.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Personalized Tutoring: Certified Montessori teachers are available to offer one-on-one support to your child in a variety of topics.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Flexible Timings: Choose between full-time & part-time enrolment to best suit your schedule.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Individual Attention: We prioritize your child’s success with class sizes of 12 or less students per teacher.

What your child will learn

This program nurtures focus and growth by providing uninterrupted work periods. Practical Life activities offer children the chance to refine practical tasks, as well as their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, concentration, and independence. Focus on Language fosters literacy skills through phonetic sounds and word-building. The Sensorial materials cultivate a well-organized conceptual mind, and exploration with Mathematic materials helps to establish an intuitive grasp of quantities, symbols, equations, and concepts. Moreover, the robust Culture section enriches children’s comprehension of both self and the world they inhabit.
Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Learning Objectives

Your child will learn skills from all 5 areas of the Montessori curriculum, which will prepare them for life and give them what they need to build a solid foundation in their academic journey.


Numbers to 9999
Decimal system


Size discrimination Refinement of Senses Algebra Introduction


Oral speech Writing Reading Parts of speech Composing


Zoology Botany Science History Geography

Practical Life

Fine motor control
Coordination and movement
Manual dexterity

A Day At MFMS Online

What You Will Need

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

A mobile device (laptop, tablet, phone, etc.) with access to the internet

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Access to Zoom (Download Here)

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Our learning management platform

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

A family member (parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt etc.) to lend a hand if needed

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Printer with coloured ink.

Virtual Montessori Classes For Your Child

Resources and materials prepared from the weekly list provided by the teacher

9:00 AM - Morning Circle
Welcoming the children with open discussions, songs, calendar, and stories.
9:30 AM - Montessori Work Period
Exploring the five areas of Montessori education with Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, and Culture activities.
10:15 AM - Break

15-minute nutritional break for snacks, fresh air, or socialization among classmates.

10:30 AM - Montessori Work Period

Exploring the five areas of Montessori education with lessons in Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Culture, and Language.

11:00 AM - Art
Making dynamic artistic and creative projects.
11:30 AM - Extracurricular
Each day a different extracurricular class is offered: Yoga, Dance, Music, Martial Arts, and French are guided by field professional instructors.
12:00 PM - Social Club (Optional)

An opportunity to interact and socialize with other students until 12:30PM

Note: Live classrooms run between 9:00AM and 12:00PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

Interested? Try out this class free for 2 days!